The Importance of Self Care

Self care, now more than ever, is needed. Self care is healing and medicine for you. The good kind! Taking care of your insides is equally important as the outside.. The way we look good on the outside by nourishing our skin with good skin care is how we need to nourish the inside with good food. And let's not forget our thoughts... keep them positive and non- toxic. That is the recipe for mind, body, spirit connection. And a good healthy immune system as well.

During this tremendously stressful & challenging time don't give up on self care. I may be unable to care for you in the salon, but I am here for you always. E-mail me your concerns and questions anytime. Keep up with your skincare routine and maybe change it up a bit. Try my new skin care line. Do more home exfoliation and some facial massage. Use the Gua Sha stone and or the Roller. If  you don't have one order one from me. I will send you one along with instructions and guidance. You have put so much time into You and  we need to keep it going so we can continue where we left off when we are all back in the treatment room. 


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